Pure Ceylon Tea’s Rich Flavors and Origins

Ceylon Tea

Celebrated to be the finest in the world, the unique flavour, fragrance and freshness of Ceylon Tea set it apart from the rest. Represented by the Lion logo and the ‘Ceylon Tea’ trademarks assuring that it’s a quality product of Sri Lanka, Ceylon Tea is exclusively handpicked by expert tea pluckers and is mostly produced through orthodox and artisanal methods. It is also the freshest tea available in the global market, expertly packed within 3 weeks of harvesting, to preserve freshness, flavour, and aroma. Ceylon Tea is the first Ozone Friendly Tea in the world and does not use Methyl-Bromide during packaging and shipping.

Sri Lankan tea (known for generations as Ceylon Tea) carries behind it a heritage and success story like no other. A product that began as a diversification experiment in 1867 spanning just 19 acres of land has today surpassed all geographical borders to satisfy 19% of global demand. Reputed for its signature taste and aroma, Sri Lanka has become the world’s third largest tea exporter to the world, the country’s largest employer and has the distinction of supplying tea to the Olympic and Commonwealth Games. It is a great equalizer, demanding attention from the counter of the smallest eatery to the most exclusive tea-bars in the world.

Ceylon Tea is also the cleanest tea in the world in terms of pesticide residues, a fact confirmed by the ISO Technical Committee. Sri Lanka was also the first to achieve the “Ozone Friendly Tea” label recognized under the Montreal Protocol Treaty and is the proud owner of the first Ethical Tea Brand of the World recognized by the United Nations Global Compact.

Far from being just a scenic wonder, the panoramic tea gardens of Sri Lanka provide a countless number of blends and single garden tea of premium value. Most are situated at elevations between 3,000 and 8,000 feet, which span the lush mountains of the central highlands and the fertile plains of the southern inland areas of the island. Sri Lankan tea possesses unique and specific characteristics of quality and taste attributed to geographical origin and unique manufacturing practices.

These have been mastered over the years and infused with contemporary creativity and imagination to satisfy the most judicious aficionado.

Low-grown teas, at an elevation below 2000 feet, produce good colour and strength and are popularly drunk with milk. Mid-grown teas, grown between 2000 to 4000 feet, are rich in flavour with good colour. High-grown teas, from heights of 4000 feet and above, are considered premium, and exude beautiful golden liquor and an intense, powerful aroma. Some estates also produce silver tips that give very pale straw-coloured liquor, best drunk plain.

Tourists and export markets alike have access to famous unorthodox variants and health beverages from Sri Lanka such as green tea, instant tea, bio tea and flavoured tea.

With the development of Sri Lankan tea exports, Green Tea has acquired a commanding position in the global market. Currently, Sri Lanka exports green tea to more than 40 countries. The Major buyers are United Arab Emirates, Russian Federation and Jordan. With Sri Lanka’s awe-inspiring status of being the number one manufacturer cum exporter of orthodox black tea, the tea export trade from Sri Lanka is simply at US$ 1.5 billion.

Sri Lankan tea is also grown under the highest social and environmental standards; excellence in process and purity of product are reflected by world class certifications. Several plantations are Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) accredited and GLOBAL GAP compliant.

Tea processing factories are continually improved and upgraded to maintain sufficient technical and hygienic standards through the implementation of ISO 22000, and HACCP. Buyers are thus assured that tea produced in Sri Lanka is not only synonymous with quality, but also conforms to internationally acceptable food safety regulations.

Due to its supreme qualityCeylon Tea manufacturers and Ceylon Tea suppliers from Sri Lanka have carved for themselves a sizable share of the global tea market over the decades.