Iced Tea Bliss: Exploring Sri Lanka's Cool Infusions. Immerse yourself in a refreshing journey through a variety of iced tea blends from Sri Lanka

A cold drink enjoying rising popularity, iced tea doubles as a fancy drink served in a tall glass and a packaged drink that you can grab on the go. It is not uncommon to find a shelf packed with bottled iced tea since it is presented as a soft drink today, owing to its popularity among all age groups. The speciality of iced tea is that it is an alternative to carbonated drinks and is considered to be a low-calorie healthy drink, perhaps the major reason behind its rapidly growing market.

Market analysis shows that the iced tea market has witnessed sturdy growth over the past few decades. Positive press given to the drink and research findings that substantiate the multiple health benefits associated with iced tea act as catalysts here. Predictions from analysts suggest that the iced tea market will bolster in the coming years, spreading its wings to reach even the most discerning of consumers.

Most iced teas get their flavour from tea leaves; this flavor is further enhanced and complemented by various syrups and natural flavours infused with iced tea such as lemon, raspberry, passion, strawberry and cherry. Sri Lanka produces some of the most popular iced teas with a range of flavours authentic to Sri Lanka. Known for their ability to provide instant refreshment and numerous health benefits, iced teas from Sri Lanka have emerged as a trendy go-to drink after a tiring workout or a long run.


Ceylon Cinnamon from Sri Lanka is considered to be the best cinnamon in the world. It travels the globe spreading its divine taste and energy under the name of “Ceylon Cinnamon”. Its goodness has been blended with Ceylon tea to make something great for tea lovers with cinnamon iced tea. This beverage draws from the powerful taste of Ceylon Cinnamon and subtilizes it by combining it with the refreshing taste of cold tea. Brewed to perfection, the end product- the spice cinnamon iced tea- is a spectacular beverage that treats you to a textured flavour characterized by a hint of spiced-up wooden sweetness.

And there is more to this iced tea than its taste factor. It helps the body to cool down while enjoying the health benefits cinnamon has to offer as a spice. Cinnamaldehyde is a major compound present in Ceylon cinnamon and it shares a lot of antifungal, antiviral, and anti-bacterial effects. Cinnamon also has high amounts of polyphenol antioxidants. These antioxidants keep you safe from diseases as they contain anti-inflammatory properties. Cinnamon also aids gut health. It has prebiotic properties that suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria. Adding it to your daily beverage list will help you experience these benefits.


Looking for instant refreshment? Look no further, iced peppermint tea from Sri Lanka got you covered. Prepared with peppermint tea bags, this variety of iced tea boasts a cool green taste nuanced with a refreshing menthol flavour. The soaring popularity of peppermint iced tea is perhaps because mint is an ingredient known and integral to many communities across the globe. Mint as a herb and mint tea as a beverage is close to many cultures. For instance, having a cup of mint tea is a cultural habit in most parts of the Middle East. And it is from such cultural habits that iced peppermint tea hails from.

Iced peppermint tea is much more than a mere refreshing beverage that tastes good. It brings multiple health benefits to regular consumers. For example, mint can stimulate the nervous system with the help of menthol which is an effective antiseptic, analgesic, and decongestant. Mint is also a potent source of antioxidants that help the body to protect itself from oxidative stress and free radical damage. Peppermint iced tea further fights irritable bowel syndrome, a common digestive tract disorder. Daily consumption of mint-based food can also improve mental health and alertness. All these health benefits can be enjoyed through the consumption of one cup of iced mint tea.


Lemon is a daily consumed fruit that rewards consumers with amazing benefits. Lemon iced tea burrows them and infuses the tangy goodness of lemon into a cold beverage perfect for a hot summer’s day. With a citrusy aroma and a sweet taste made unique by its slight acidity, a tall glass of lemon iced tea is an all-time favourite amongst millennials and Gen Z.

By consuming lemon iced tea, one can simply enjoy the numerous health benefits lemon has to offer as a fruit. Not only does it boost digestive functions, but also detoxifies the body. Not to mention that it also increases heart health. This is supported by lemon’s high content of vitamin C. Citric acid in lemon further helps to reduce the risk of kidney stones – the small lumps that form inside your kidneys when waste products crystalize. Since lemon contains both citric acid and vitamin C, it is also a well-suited fighter against anaemia. And unsweetened lemon iced tea is a venerated addition to weight-loss diets as lemon facilitates weight loss.


Sri Lanka is a tropical country blessed with sunshine, rain, and fertile soil that provides all the required conditions for fruits and vegetables to grow. Cultivated under such ideal conditions, Sri Lankan mango is a delicacy that makes its way into both solid dishes and beverages. And that is how mango iced tea from Sri Lanka came to be. Blended with the pristine goodness of Ceylon Tea, mango iced tea makes a soothing beverage with an exotic fruity flavour.

In terms of the health benefits of this refreshing beverage, mango iced tea is a rich source of fiber and antioxidants. Just like lemon, it is also compacted with vitamin C. As a fruit, mango contains over a dozen different antioxidants including polyphenols and mangiferin. Polyphenols help the body to fight oxidative stress. It further contains other vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin K, and E. Consuming mango-based food and beverages can support heart health since it contains magnesium and potassium. The digestive enzymes, water, and fiber present in mango support digestive health. So, sipping a mango iced tea after a meal will help you meet your healthiest self.